What is planned for Version 3.5

Published: 2021-02-25 by Omsad

The aim for version 3.5 is to tackle a number of questions I frequently get asked how to "fix", which at the moment either have no answer or have an answer which is unsatisfactory.

Feedback is appreciated so if you have any comments on the below please join the InstructBot discord and let us know.


Currently InstructBot's backup is configured to run every time the application is opened. It copies the configuration file to the backup directory, storing ten of these files and deleting the older ones past this limit as required.

This has worked well mostly, as if a user needed to restore to a previous state they can pick one of the files and overwrite the current one. This is however a manual process and it would be better with a user interface to control it.

I would also like to allow configuration of where the backups are stored and the interval at which they're taken as it may not be necessary to create a backup every time the application is opened. E.g. maybe a backup is required once per week and before the bot is updated.

It would also be nice to have a way to manually trigger the backup process, say if you know you're going to need it.


One of the most common questions I get asked is "How do I stop command X from executing when I'm doing Y".

A good example of this is wanting to delay throwing a grenade in Escape From Tarkov because you're sprinting, until after you have stopped sprinting.

To fix this I'm going to be adding the ability to add conditions on when a command can execute. This isn't an entirely new concept as some commands already have a conditions to execute, e.g. they require your game to be active.

The initial set of logic will be pretty minimal, limited to the ability to create simplistic boolean logic and being able to monitor the keyboard state. I hope this will then to allow conditions like Don't execute whilst my Left Shift and W keys are pressed to be defined. 



An update to the discounts so that a discount can be applied for Moderators and VIPs. Like the subscriber discounts this will be in addition to any global discount. It's also planned that these will be mutually exclusive to subscriber discounts. E.g if a viewer is both a tier 1 subscriber and a moderator, then only one discount (the largest), will apply.

Accumulator and Subscription

The existing rewards system for the accumulator and subscribers both do similar things, reward a number of random commands based upon weighting. I plan to update the reward system so that they

The planned overhaul enhances this by making that one options. The initial other planned options to be created is to allow you to define explicitly what a user will receive, e.g. you could reward a specific command (or commands) to be given to a user when they subscribe.

You could also mix and match allowing a user to always receive a specific command and then have a random chance of one or more other commands.


A new follow trigger type, which can queue commands when someone follows your channel.