Road Map

Complete and in progress releases.

2025 Releases

Version 4.1

A overhaul to InstructBot.

Coming Soon

Expected release: End of Feb 2025


A overhaul to InstructBot UI and a bunch of improvements and new features including:

  • Support to present the UI in multiple languages, allow scaling and more control over what is shown.

  • New cooldown and limitation groups, so that both can be shared between commands.

  • New queues UI, so that you can define them and add a minimum delay between running items upon it.

  • Improvements to how InstructBot selects the target window.

  • Improvements to commands including: being able to turn off refunds on a per command basis, being able to refund a different command than the one attempt, more control over when a command will wait to execute if incompatible commands are running, being able to set the identifiers of all built-in commands and much more...
  • Improvements to triggers including: being able to assign a priority, so when multiple triggers are matched for the same event, the most important is run; ability to specific a cooldown and / or limitation on the trigger, and much more...

  • New triggers for the state of InstructBot, for example when the target application is changed.

  • Update to rewards, moving from the pre-defined set of Follower, Subscription, etc... to a triggered reward, which will execute similarly to a command.

...and much more


2023 Releases

Version 4

A major update to InstructBot.


20 September 2023


A major update to InstructBot including:

  • Ability to connect to more third parties including DonorDrive, GoFundMe, JustGiving and more.

  • New triggers including native Twitch Channel Point, StreamOnline, StreamOffline, Total Cheer, Total Donation and more.

  • Enhancements to triggers including the ability to delay the triggered command, a limit on how often a trigger can be used per stream (both globally and per user), a cooldown on the trigger and more.

  • Ability to use a custom Twitch account as the bot account.

...and much more


2022 Releases

Polls, Predictions and More Commands

Tighter integration with Twitch and more command types.


12 September 2022


Add the ability to create and run Twitch polls and predictions from InstructBot, as well as trigger commands from the result.

New commands types:

  • Disable Profile: A command which can disable a profile.

  • Enable Profile: A command which can enable a profile.

  • Sequential: A command which can trigger other commands in an order you define.

  • Toggle Profile: A command which can toggle a profiles state for a duration.

  • Parallel: A command which can trigger multiple commands simultaneously.


2021 Releases

Stability of Third Party Connections

Stability and visibility.


10 January 2022


Increase the reliability of the third party integrations, e.g. Twitch, StreamElements and StreamLabs, as well as be more informative in the UI when a current connection is re-connecting.


Conditional Execution of Commands

Controlling when commands are executed.


13 September 2021


The ability to control when commands are executed based upon the current state of the keyboard and mouse.


Simplifying and Improving the UI

A better UI.


30 June 2021


A number of improvements aimed at making the UI easier to use :

  • Fix DPI scaling issues.

  • Increase the number of warning and errors shown for common misconfigurations.

  • Simplifying command activation.

  • Swap the web browser used from CefSharp to WebView2.


Console and Processing Improvements

Improving the console and processing screens.


15 February 2021


Console Improvements:

  • Display Twitch, BetterTwitchTV and FrankerFaceZ these emotes.

  • More control over how users are displayed.

Processing Improvements:

  • Ability to emulate Ban, Cheer, Host, Raid, Subscription and Unban events from Twitch.

  • Ability to emulate Donation events from StreamElements and StreamLabs.


2020 Releases

Trigger Enhancements

New and improved triggers.


21 December 2020


New trigger types:

  • Ban / Unban: Trigger when a user is banned or unbanned.

  • Emote / Word: Trigger when a random emote or word is written in chat, swap the emote / word once triggered if required, no need for trigger prefix e.g. !.

  • Host / Raid: Trigger on a host or raid with the ability to set the minimum number of users.

  • Timed: Trigger at a set interval with the ability to set a minimum number of messages between triggering, excluding certain users as required.


  • Simplistic boolean logic, e.g. greater than, less than and between to define ranges on cheer and donation triggers.

  • Simplistic permissioning, e.g. enable moderator and VIP only triggers. Disabling triggers for banned and / or specified users.


Better Integration with Twitch

A deeper connection with Twitch.


31 October 2020


A number of improvements to increase InstructBot's integration with Twitch including:

  • Triggering commands with Twitch channel points.

  • Updating your game automatically based upon the currently selected application.

  • Setting the title of you game through InstructBot.


Version 3

A major update to InstructBot.


29 August 2020


A major update to InstructBot bring a brand new user interface and enhancements including:

  • Ability to have different profiles per game.

  • Being able to rewards you viewers be it through discount when they subscribe, or accumulating non-triggering bits and donations and rewarding commands when a desired total is reached.

  • New external and text command types.

...and much more. For an overview of the changes please have a look here.


2019 Releases

StreamElements Integration

A new source for InstructBot.


31 October 2019


  • Integration with bit and tip events from StreamElements.

  • Ability to trigger commands using the the StreamElements points system.


New Commands: Mute and Play

Two new command types.


30 September 2019


Two more commands types added:


Enhanced Commands: Input, Timeout and Use

Improved commands.


31 August 2019


Enhancements to three commands to improve and extend functionality:


Automatic updates

Keeping upto date.


31 August 2019


Allowing InstructBot to automatically update it's self as new versions are released.


New Commands: Swap Mouse Button, Timeout and Use

Three new command types.


30 June 2019


Three more commands types were added:


Multi-Channel Support

Supporting multi-channel streaming.


30 June 2019


StreamLabs Integration

A new source for InstructBot.


31 May 2019


  • Integration with bit and donation events from StreamLabs.

  • Ability to trigger commands using the StreamLabs points* system.

*Note: Please see here and here for how to integrate the StreamLabs Twitch extension.


InstructBot Launch

The first release of InstructBot.


31 March 2019


InstructBot launched with:
